martes, 14 de abril de 2020

8th grade


Eating Disorders 

Hi guys this is your blog, so in this space we going to share all the topics.
First we know something about eating disorders, tell us, what do you think about it?
Ehhhhhhyyyy and don´t forget share your opinion about Screencastify, it´s difficult oooooor easy peasy lemon squeezy!!!!


Ok, share your recipe in this part, lets do it !!!

6 comentarios:

  1. I found it amazing Screencastify has many functions to record anything :)

  2. En segundo lugar, en el video, 3 doctoras hablan sobre el estado de los niños que padecen los trastornos alimentarios y una de ellas se llama Meghan, sus nombres, que también hablarán sobre la segunda y la tercera parte de los trastornos alimentarios.

  3. I already saw the video and I found it interesting to know the case of Megan and other things about being skinny or being very fat that everything was in our mind :)

  4. In the video 3 doctors talk about the state of eating and they also talk about the second and third part of the eating disorders and they have a hospital in Santa moni
